Expand your cosmology, expand your life!
What will you learn in Dynamic Emergence?
What people are saying

1. Dynamic Emergence Explained (Foundation Course 1) (1:26:45)
This is where it all begins, looking at how the Universe works, in direct relation to you and your work in the world. Six easy videos that give an overview of what Dynamic Emergence is, and why it matters for us to know about it. Find out what qualities you will need to develop to engage in the phenomenal process of creating on, literally, a cosmic level. See how Living Systems plays into all this and how much you really are a living system yourself.
In this course, there are 6 lessons.
- Dynamic Emergence explained: Introduction.
- Dynamic Emergence explained: Experiential Truths.
- Dynamic Emergence explained: The components.
- Dynamic Emergence explained: Living Systems review.
- Dynamic Emergence explained: How to Thrive!
- Dynamic Emergence explained: Review & Example.
2. RES at its core (Foundation Course 2) (1:45:37)
Here we explore our phenomenal inner framework – what makes us up, our three Ways Of Knowing: Rational, Emotional & Sensory. We cover the basic tenets of our alchemical design, beginning with ourselves, and how our Ways Of Knowing (WOK) give us access to multiple levels of Consciousness – from personal use, to creative articulation, brainstorming and even our own evolution. How we know influences how (and who) we can be and what we get to do ‘out in the world’.
In this course, there are 5 lessons.
- You exist as proof of magic!
- You emerge into the World (and interact!).
- RES overview with a focus on Rational knowing.
- Emotional knowing, and its gifts.
- Sensory knowing as a unique awareness.
3. Fields of Influence & Theory of Resonance (2:17:47)
In this course, there are 6 lessons.
- How your energy interacts with one person.
- How your energy interacts with a group of people.
- Resonance, Consonance, Dissonance.
- How we create belief systems.
- Inner RES emphases (connected).
- Inner RES emphases (disconnected).
4. Vulnerability & Susceptibility – identifying cultural and pre-cognitive influences. (1:42:14)
We track the energy of compromise, where it starts in our lives, and how it leads to our collective vulnerability to today’s unsustainable consumerism, as well as to political and corporate manipulation. We look at the history of consumerism, and where it came from. We look at how we create belief systems that feed into our strengths, and weaknesses, and how to adjust any thoughts that prevent us from being connected to our integrity and personal power. We also consider the long-emerging coloniser energy that has affected our connection to Earth and our behaviours towards ideas of ‘ownership’ vs. ‘stewardship’, and systemically ‘grabbing’ rather than ‘sharing’. This is one that corporations don’t want you to understand at all!
In this course, there are 5 lessons.
- Compromised Interaction.
- Occupy Me.
- Neglect Me.
- BAP Map.
- Indigenous YOU vs. Coloniser YOU.
5. Changing states of Being & Brainstorming (2:57:10)
We are intelligent in so many ways. We have barely scratched the surface on what we are capable of, how rich and diverse even just our rational knowing is, as well as how improvisational and creative our Sensory and Emotional ways of knowing are. We are so much more than we know! One of the Tenets of Dynamic Emergence is that we are not fixed; because of that, we can expand our creative reach in brainstorming and collaborations. Here we learn how to tap into our potential, the flow, and become fluent in managing our own energy field. Learn how to maximize the use of your time together, making your collaboration profoundly impactful, and far-reaching.
In this course, there are 6 lessons.
- Qualities of RES – aspects, skills and approaches.
- WOK choices; being/thinking/creating.
- Changing States of Consciousness.
- Incoming – opening the portals to awareness.
- Changing States of Being (4 element pathway)
- Brainstorming!
6. Living Systems: Feedback loops, karmic time, & our interactive universe! (1:40:17)
We are living in a sentient, intelligent, communicative universe – living systems within living systems. Learn how to track the methods by which you can interpret information that can be useful for your own personal health, wellness and benefit, and for your organizations’ ability to plan and strategize in ways that may prove to be far more sustainable than traditional routes.
In this course, there are 3 lessons (lesson 1 has 5 sections).
- Feedback Loops – how the Universe talks to us. (i, ii, iii, iv, v)
- Feedback Loops – transitioning to your evolutionary mastery (experiencer => observer).
- Karmic Time.
7. Who are we? What are we? Where are we? Cosmological being & inter-realmic reality! (1:16:09)
We are part of a dynamic cosmos. There is nothing ordinary, or small, about being here. What we are capable of, understood in its largest context, can change everything about how we relate to time, to planning, to identity and to how we both evaluate, and generate, results. A shift of this scale of perception is the thing that could save humans from extinction. Are you ready to learn?
In this course, there are 3 lessons.
- Inner Infinity.
- Cosmological YOU (new).
- Inter-realmic Properties (new) & How energy moves between realms.