Memes for Sharing
- Sentience of Life
- Where to go for wise decision making
- How to be more creative
- How to be more creatively responsive to crisis
- Interdependence of life
- Rising Feminine/dying Masculine
- Pre & Post Conquest
Questions to ask
- Why are we ok damaging and killing ourselves and others?
- Who are we? Consumer… Citizen… Citizen of what??
- Identity – what is it? Where does it come from?
- Rising Feminine – how does that show up in the world right now? (women’s marches, pink pussyhat, flashmobs)
- Where do businesses use these principles (rising feminine) to create community and customer loyalty – how could they use these ideas better if they cared about community? Which companies already do create community in their business models (i.e. not just greenwashing)?
Things to share
- Redefining Artist
- Imagination
- Experiencer/Observer
- Meditation
- Connection
- Deep Listening/Hearing
- Pollution (personal, Corporate, Social, Environmental)
- Eco-Arts and HeArt A-Z projects
- My music creative process
- DE PPT (pollution, etc).
- DE Creative Conversations (video)
Links to share
- Mac Embercombe – The Children’s Fire
- Alexa Meade – Your Body Is My Canvas
- Natalie Fee Burden & But The Clocks
- Midway – Message From The Gyre, etc.
- Zeta Creative Compulsive Disorder
- Susan Caine – The Power Of Introverts
- Ken Robinson – Do Schools Kill Creativity? & My Thoughts For The Call To Unite
- Theo Jansen – Moving Beach Sculptures & Animated By Wind & Strandbeests