- How do you feel the way you grew up has impacted your vulnerability to, and perspective on, BAP models and approaches?
- Can you identify instances where you felt your Inner RES become dominated by outside influences?
- When you go shopping do you ever feel an interior conflict between need and desire?
- Which is stronger? How do you feel about that?
- Are there ways you feel you can, and might need to, strengthen your own Inner RES (to reduce your susceptibility)?
- What do you feel needs to happen next, in society, to take our evolutionary story forward?
- How do Curiosity, Creativity & Courage show up in your life? How might you further support their presence in your life?
- If not through following trends, or creating them, how do you enjoy the appearance-and-experience of your uniqueness?
- What would it look like for you, right now, to take over the steering wheel of your own life?