- Are you in the practice of noticing your stories?
- Relate some of your best stories here.
- What kind of a storyteller are you?
- Can you find a theme?
- What kind of a storyteller are you?
- Relate some of your best stories here.
- Do your stories lift you up? Or do they remind you what a difficult world this is to live in?
- How do you feel when you repeat either story?
- What do you notice happens to your energy field?
- How do you feel when you repeat either story?
- When you track your stories, what have you noticed that happens (inside and outside your RES)?
- Experiment with pressing pause on a story this week. Press pause. Tell a new story. Transcribe what happens (inner and outer).
- How are you different around different people?
- Notice this week how your language, your metaphors, your sense of self, varies, depending on who you are spending time with.
- Make a note in your journal.
- See how this noticing impacts your state of being.
- Notice this week how your language, your metaphors, your sense of self, varies, depending on who you are spending time with.