- Identify some social issues that you can see link to RES somehow.
- What would be your ideal circumstances to find new ways to heal the problem?
- How would RES play a part in that, specifically?
- What would be your ideal circumstances to find new ways to heal the problem?
- What kind of societal innovations do you think would dramatically shift our understanding of ourselves, and vice versa – help us reach inner infinity together?
- What kind of paradigm shift do you picture in a more ‘connected’ world?
- What experiences can you recall that you have you had of brainstorming?
- Which ones felt good? Say how.
- Which ones felt like non-starters?
- What were the circumstances?
- What surprised you, in either case?
- In brainstorming, or conversation, do you normally speak, or listen, more?
- How has it felt to you to flow between a conversation and a brainstorming moment?
- Have you noticed ways to command which state you are in?
- What have you found that has worked best for you? Or would you like more ideas to explore?
- Have you noticed ways to command which state you are in?