Vulnerability and Susceptibility – identifying and shifting cultural, and childhood, training. Here we will explore how the mingling of our own energy fields (Fields of Influence) with guardians when we are pre-cognitive leads to misidentification of ourselves (and our energy fields) as overly merged with others’, even after our understanding of individuation is thought to have occurred. We track the energy of compromise and how it leads to our collective vulnerability to today’s unsustainable consumerism, as well as to political and corporate manipulation. We look at how we create belief systems that feed into our strengths, and how to adjust any thoughts that prevent us from being connected to our integrity and personal power. This helps us reclaim our personal field, shifting us away from a paradigm of untenable dependency to one of alchemy, personal freedom and creativity. [Register at bottom of page]
What to expect
In this course, there are 5 lessons.
- Compromised Interaction.
- Occupy Me.
- Neglect Me.
- BAP Map.
- Indigenous YOU vs. Coloniser YOU.