Dictionary definition:
- The phenomena of novelty arising when two or more elements meet.
Experiential definition:
- The process of becoming, and how we experience it a living system, nested within living systems. The co-creation through shared fields of reality and how we influence each other in that. How life’s creative impulse works through us. The phenomenal experience – and impact – of all our energetic interactions (the basis of our communication systems). Authentically, and literally, collaborating with all of life – choosing how we meet our own lives as unique expressions of aliveness. Evolutionary social creativity where the participants’ state absolutely influences what can happen next.
Dynamic Emergence – our realms of Consciousness

What can we learn?
- Understanding the three basic ways of knowing and being – both influencing each other.
- Fields of Influence – what they are and why they matter.
- The extraordinary process of collaborating with the Universe, the Planet, and the surrounding environment, in order to bring forth new ideas, wisdom through collaborative, creative, process.
- Mastering our own states of consciousness.
- Being dynamic and creative.
- Stepping outside ‘the norm’ to become your fully extended, extraordinary, self.
Why does it matter?
- As we evolve, we learn to protect and relate authentically to our Planet.
- There is magic within us that seeks to express itself, and benefit us.
- Because the movie ‘The Secret’ didn’t really explain how to live a life of instant inner/outer alchemy.
- Your innovation skills will emerge; the Universe is already talking to you – now hear it.
- Create, innovate, and communicate in superior ways.
- Expand your imagination & creative possibilities.
- Have an edge in your life – help your team/relationship(s)/project.
- Be more comfortable socially, and at work.
- Shine in meetings and maximize your potential, and results.
- Go deeper, with more curiosity, confidence, creativity, insight, and success.
- Co-create inclusive, creative, and safer, societies.
- Create more representational governance.
- If you are living your life based on Indigenous practices, rituals and ideologies, are a social activist, change agent, artist or a highly sensitive person – get the language and tools to protect, and represent yourself authentically and clearly in the company of others.
- If you are not identifying as indigenous, a social activist, change agent, artist or a HSP – this will give you a better understanding of how to work with, listen to, and respectfully understand those who are.
- Protect children from predators, and abuse, teach them how to read people’s energy and set clear boundaries.
- Protect yourself from predators, and abuse, learn how to read people’s energy and set clear boundaries.
- Learn how to recognize environments that are good for you and those that are not, based on sensing how you feel – giving you choices in boundary setting.
- Reinforce and galvanise your ideas for guiding businesses, and communities, to make pragmatic, ethical, inclusive, and regenerative choices.
- Have an expanded, powerful, understanding of what your ‘extended environment’ and ‘Fields of Influence’ are; and the role that your energy, and our Planet’s, are actively playing in creating each moment.
- Master your energy skills.
- Identify and transmute old thought patterns – release your inspiration!
- Participate in protecting our Planet’s health.
- Realize your courage to act.
- Connect to a ground and expanded version of you, with an automatic shift of empowerment.
- Advancing humanity into its next phase of evolution.